Field Rentals
The New Iberia Pepperplex offers a variety of athletic fields for rental, including soccer, baseball, and softball. Fees listed below are for general field setups and events. Other sports and field setups may be available but must be verified through the Pepperplex. With rates subject to change, it’s important to verify the rate at the time of your event.
Usage Policies & Procedures
User Priority:
To be consistent with New Iberia Pepperplex operations Agreement and in granting use of fields and specifying deposits, fee schedules, and administrative rules, the following priority user groups and guidelines apply:
Tournaments and Events that will provide a significant positive economic impact to the City New Iberia and the Pepperplex, including National and Regional tournaments and invitationals.
Scheduling Procedures:
After establishing the schedule of play based on our user priority model, our team works diligently to evaluate open dates and determine the best available rental options.
Inclement Weather Policy:
In the event of inclement weather, Pepperplex staff will evaluate field conditions for playability. If fields are deemed unplayable by 1:00pm CST, then Pepperplex will make the final call to suspend all play for the remainder of that day. Tournament Directors should plan accordingly and make changes to schedules if wishing to hold the remainder of the tournament on subsequent days.
Special Events Permits:
Pepperplex may require additional permission permits, fees, and security deposits in some cases. The Pepperplex reserves the right to increase the fee based on the nature of the activity.
If damage occurs to any portion of the facility or sports complex equipment and the cost of the damage exceeds the amount of the damage/security deposit, the renter will be billed for any additional expense at replacement cost.
Download the application and permit for use of parks and/or fields below.